Terms & Conditions

Nobody likes a big list of rules to follow but in the interest of a little WH&S we do need to have some guidelines. Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation.

These terms and conditions apply to anyone attending a workshop. Please read them carefully and make sure you understand them. When you purchase a ticket to an event, it is assumed you have agreed to the following conditions:

1. Unless specified in the workshop details, only children who have a ticket can participate in the workshop. Due to Workplace Health and Safety, no other children/siblings may be present. Parents are welcome to stay and watch/help their child/ren during the workshop. 

2. Please ensure that you collect your child/ren within 10 minutes of the end of the workshop. 

3. WH&S requires that all participants wear closed in shoes. 

4. Where necessary, participants will be required to correctly wear eye protection. You are welcome to bring your own (could be prescription glasses or safety glasses/goggles) OR there will be safety glasses available for loan at the workshop. 

5. There is an expectation that participants will demonstrate respect and safety at all times for themselves, others, and the learning environment. Failure to do so will result in being asked to sit out. 

6. Any damage caused by a participant (to persons or property) is their sole responsibility. The presenter/provider of the workshop cannot be held responsible. 

7. If a product or item fails during a workshop, through no fault or misuse of the user, then the liability for any damage or harm falls to the manufacturer of the product. 

8. If the venue has any faults or problems, the liability for any damge or harm falls to the venue. 

9. All monies are non-refunadable 24 hours prior to the workshop.

10. Risk Assessments have been completed for all workshops, materials and equipment. Material Safety Data Sheets have been completed for all chemicals and materials used in the workshops. These will be present at each workshop should you wish to see them. Alternately, they are available electronically upon written request via email to joshua_c_carr@protonmail.com

TAKE NOTICE THAT by booking and purchasing a ticket for a workshop IT SHALL BE TAKEN that you have read and understood all of the above Terms and Conditions, you consent and are forever bound by this agreement.

TAKE NOTICE THAT by booking and purchasing a ticket for a workshop you have consented to enter a legally binding contract with the workshop provider/presenter and that the full Terms and Conditions are outlined above.